The Privilege of a Lifetime

Inner Alchemy
2 min readOct 19, 2020

Carl Jung on Living Your Truth

Inauthentic living can be a waking hell.

Authentic living is pure freedom and alignment.

One of the most commonly reported “deathbed regrets” is: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Think about that for a second. That means a fair amount of human beings literally spend their entire lives living a lie, living for the approval of others, or living without any attention whatsoever to their deepest needs/wants/desires.

I don’t know if that’s insane or just pure sadness.

What I do know, however, is that there are whispers within every single one of us, calling us to our childlike passions, and to live in truth, always. In every word you speak, in every gesture you make, in every decision you make, make it yours.

Live in YOUR truth, not someone else’s.

You are not alive to please your parents, your lovers, or your friends. Sure, we want to be accepted and encouraged, but the only people that truly belong in your life are those who unconditionally support your absolute essence and your highest truth.

Be unapologetically yourself. Remove the masks of conformity and lead with your personal vision, not fear, comfort-seeking, or the validation of others.

Curate your tribe of support. Don’t have one? Start with podcasts, blogs, and books. Find people who are living the way you’d like to live and saturate yourself with their influence.

Your immediate environment can either help or hurt you, period.

Are the people around you unsupportive of your true essence and your dreams? Migrate away from them. Diplomatically prune them from your life. Slowly build a new environment that fosters your unique drive for authenticity.

Live in alignment with your truth and watch the synchronicities unfold like magic.

Feel as the weight of self-deception and misguided energy of incongruence melt away from your spirit. You owe this to yourself, and as Jung states: it is the absolute honor and privilege of a lifetime.

Life will likely be long for you, but it is still a ticking clock. So DO NOT WAIT to start living the way that you want to live, do it now, or risk being another member of the deathbed regretful.

