Mental Sovereignty 2020

Inner Alchemy
Nov 6, 2020

Choose Tending Your own Garden

Friendly reminder:

No matter the outcome of this year’s presidential election: the most important task is that we tend to our own gardens.

We need not be disrupted, disturbed, triggered, or to have our identities hang in the balance of a political charade.

It’s all a choice.

As Victor Frankel (holocaust survivor and Author of “Man’s Search for Meaning”) stated:

“The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

The spectacle of the American political dance is dizzying enough.

So take care of yourselves. Take care of your internal state. Take care of your tribe.

Please do not conflate the aforementioned and the thesis of this post with Apathy. Be informed, give a shit, and stand up for causes that you believe in.

We all know major changes are needed in many areas of American life, and global/ecological life, that’s for damn sure.

Without question, the stakes are as high as they’ve ever been, and the American people are largely hoping for a more optimistic, rational, and environmentally-minded future.

But the only thing we can actually control, when all is said-and-done is our internal state.

Unplug if you must, but stay the course and let’s get back to work.

Back to growing, to healing, to learning, to evolving, to loving, to creating, to being present and to thinking critically.

To choosing to ascribe value to the sanctity of our internal world and being better humans, not by getting swept up in the hysteria of the political echo chamber.

Mental Sovereignty 2020.

