Inner Alchemy
2 min readOct 10, 2020



Inner Alchemy is a tool for the collective higher-self, and a resource for an emerging realm of citizen psychology.

Call it what you will: optimized living, spirituality without religion, a necessitated “waking up” — there is a psychological renaissance brewing in the modern world.

Due to advancements in technology and it’s subsequent interconnectedness, we are no longer isolated units on individual journeys of evolution. The internet has shown us that, if anything, there is a deep desire from our global citizens for healing and personal growth outside of (and in addition to) traditional therapeutic models. There are countless inspirational outlets ranging from blogs to podcasts to social groups, allowing us the freedom and safety to document our experiences and to soak up resources that can genuinely alter our lives for the better.

Roads are being paved for the safe, legal, and efficacious use of sacred tools like psychedelic medicines and empathogens, the ultimate goal being to heal ourselves, and to heal the collective as a result. For the sole responsibility is upon the individual to live better, do better, treat our fellow humans better and to offer our unique gifts, our creative potential, and our light to the world.

Where you stand today is not where you must stand tomorrow. You can take massive action to change the circumstances of your life. It all starts with the micro: one day at a time.

It is our duty to expand our consciousness, to evolve as a psycho-spiritual species, and to thrive in this lifetime.

There’s a calling deep within you to fulfill your highest potential, to heal your past traumas, to experience joy, love, fulfillment, purpose and passion, and to harness the impulses that derail your capabilities.

You are not destined to reside permanently with fear, anxiety, trauma, or despair. You are not destined to a life devoid of depth, intention, and abundance.

All things conceivable in the realm of metaphorical heaven are achievable here, on earth, right now, should we so choose to answer the call of our hero’s journey.

Your call to action, and your future-self beckon you into the realms of inner alchemy.

